• To relieve pain and accelerate your healing on a cellular level using the latest research based energy medicine modalities, low level laser, sustained low intensity ultrasound, manual therapies and custom designed exercise
  • To provide education about healing the body in a holistic way which means addressing  body mind spirit and nutrition 
  • To enable your enjoyment all of your life activities with  knowledge, strength, flexibility and balance to prevent injury
  • To serve as your guide in your healing  journey

The Essence of Biomechanical Therapy:
“The magic is not in the medicine, but in the patient’s body — in the vis medicatrix, the recuperative or self corrective energy of nature. What the treatment does is to stimulate natural functions or to remove what hinders them.”

— Miracles, C.S. Lewis, 1940

“I am not urging that Western technological medicine be abandoned, but I am asking that we become open to the healing gift within us. Over and over psychologists remind us that most of us use only 10% of our mind’s capacity. Let us then use the other 90%. It is absurd not to use treatments that work, just because we don’t yet understand them. Openmindedness is the hallmark of all health professionals who are truely interested in helping their patients.”

— Love, Medicine and Miracles, Bernie Siegal, MD