The Percussor: History and use
The Percussor vibration hammer consists of “mechanical ocillations that facilitate myofascial release.”
Dr. Robert Fulford was a brilliant osteopathic physician, a great intellect, openminded and constantly looking for ways to heal the body. He was a true healer in my opinion. He clearly understood anatomy and physiology, the mechanics of the body, bioenergetics (human energy fields) and human nature. His treatments addressed all of this. Dr. Fulford brought the use of the vibration hammer to the osteopathic profession as a way to mobilize restricted tissue and also he felt it effected the energetic body as well. As acupuncture frees up blocked energy (chi) meridians in the body, Dr. Fulford believed the percussorʼs oscillations could correct what he called “energy sinks.”
I began using the percussor about a year after purchasing my laser in 2003. My results were significantly enhanced by using the percussor with the laser. Scar tissue in the body serves as a block to energy flow. Using the percussor releases stuckness or scarring in the myofascial tissues allowing the energy of the laser enhanced penetration in the tissues. The percussor gives tight muscles a comforting sense of relaxation, release or letting go immediately at the time of treatment. The laser is a subtle energy, not perceived by most people.
Laser and vibration is always combined with hands on therapy
Acutely inflammed tissues causing severe pain and swelling may tolerate only gentle massage, while chronic problems like trigger points relating to scar tissue may require deeper release work. Anne utilizes a combination of manual techniques taught by John Barnes PT, Dr. Upledger D.O, and Dr Janet Travell, Graston and Swedish massage along with the laser and percussor.
Anne spends a lot of time teaching patients self help techniques. She has many tools you can borrow or purchase for home use. Physical Therapists who truly have patients best interests at heart will place considerable importance on self help at home. The fostering of independence should be the mission of all healing professionals rather than frequent office visits.
Ref- Robert Fulford, DO and the Philosopher Physician, Zachary Comeaux D.O. 2002