Anne uses both red visable light and infrared depending on the condition being treated. Low level laser that we use is completely painless. Lasers emit light of a specific wavelength. The wavelengths most often used for healing are in the red range and are visable to the naked eye around 630 nanometers. Longer wavelengths (800 nanometers) are in the infrared range and cannot be seen by the naked eye. These longer wavelengths seem better for treating pain but the shorter wavelength in the 632 range works better for effecting change on a cellular level that accelerates healing.

Ultrasound/Acoustic Medicine
Sound waves have been used successfully for many years by physical therapists to increase circulation and decrease scar tissue in an injured area. Until recently, patients had to obtain ultrasound treatments in a therapist’s office. SAM is a recent addition to Anneʼs practice allowing patients to treat themselves with healing sound waves at home. Research has shown that the SAM unit will accelerate tendon healing.

The percussor, developed by Dr. Robert Fulford, an osteopath, creates strong comforting vibration that immediately increases circulation, creates relaxation and increased flexibility when applied to tight painful muscles and connective tissue.

Combining Healing Energies
The combined healing energies of low level laser, low intensity sustained ultrasound and vibration in Anneʼs work will ramp up your healing. Anne uses the Erchonia laser, Avant Wellness LZ30-X laser and Sustained Acoustic Medicine ( SAM) developed by Zetroz. All are FDA approved devices. Anne has used low level laser for 12 years with tremendous success healing conditions that have been unresponsive to most standard physical therapy treatments.

Hands on Therapies and Exercises
These cutting edge healing technologies are combined with hands on therapies such as massage, gentle myofascial release, craniosacral therapy and orthopedic manual therapy. A variety of exercises are integrated with these therapies ranging from gentlest Feldenkrais-style slow movement exercises, to Pilates, weight lifting, and Anneʼs favorite, yoga which she has practiced for 10 years. She has created a technique called LAYER (laser assisted yoga energy release) which will help restore flexibility and release scar tissue. Scar tissue is most often the cause of pain after injury or surgery.

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